Monday, June 23, 2008


Theme song for this Episode was "The Trouble with Those Mothra Girls" from Daikaju!

The scene opens in a park on a warm sunny day. Matt-Man is sitting on a bench reading a book. Behind him a figure approaches dressed in a cloak. As he draws near his shadow obscures Matt-Man’s book.

“Um excuse me but you are in my light. Could you please move?”

Matt-Man asks but doesn't move. The figure stands still ignoring the request. Matt-Man turns and faces the figure.

“Dude I am talking to you! Could you please move out of my light? I am trying to read here.”

The figure seems startled by this. Then in a dramatic move he flips aside his cloak revealing a suit of strange armor and with a gauntlet points at Matt-Man.

“This is not possible! Who are you stranger? How do you possess the power to look upon my visage and discern my existence?”

“What are you talking about? You are standing right there, it is a sunny day and I am not blind. That is how I am quote “able to discern your existence”.”

“You see nothing! Your mind is clouded and you are rendered helpless because of it! Dare not my wraith or you will feel my…. wraith!”

“Wraith? I doubt you have “wraith”, I believe you mean “wrath” and you don’t have any of that either. You are one of those crazy homeless guys aren't you? Listen I don’t have any extra cash at the moment so please take you street antics and get out my light.”

“You dare to imply that I am a homeless person!!! Who are you infidel so that I may remember the name of the fool who incurred my wraith!”

“Listen the word “wraith” refers to a ghost or spirit, you are talking about your “wrath” like in the “wrath” of God, you know powerful destruction.”

“Stop correcting my naive and tell me your name!”

Jeez OK my name is Matt. Why is it-“

“AH HA! Now Matt-Man you shall know the wrath of the Dread Lord Oblivious, for you have seen through my power and revealed me to the world! My great plans to enslave the world have not been stopped by you just delayed so you have accomplished nothing more then a reprieve…”

As the Dread Lord Oblivious begins to rant our hero slowly gathers his things and slinks away. As he move away he mutters under his breath…

“Why do I get to be a freak magnet and not a chick magnet?”

While Oblivious continues his monologue Matt-Man rounds the corner and escapes. Finally with a flourish Oblivious turns and looks around realizing his is alone, except for the many passers by that are looking the other way either made oblivious by Oblivious’s power…

“Honey don’t look at the special man or he may come over here.”

Or just trying to avoid eye contact.

“What is this? Escaped? How is that possible? He did not even listen to my monologue. How rude is that? According to “Heroes wear Capes, Villains wear Cowls” a good super powered relationship requires each side to respect the other and I worked hard to come up with that monologue. I swear on all that is oblivious that I shall find you Matt-Man and be the instrument of your destruction! Telling me what word I am using is wrong.”

Oblivious riffles through his cloak and pulls out a small book and begins to flip pages. He reads then flips some more pages looks and then closes the book, returning it to his cloak.

“I still say “wraith” is a cooler thing to rain down on people.”

The scene dissolves back to Matt-Man sitting at his desk and Jives has started straightening the mess.

“Sir that WAS yesterday. I remember your comments on the event when you returned home.”

“Yup when I realized that he was a super villain which meant he thought I was a super hero. It was at that moment that the idea seemed to solidify in my head about becoming a super hero.”

Matt-man eyes Jives a little closer as he picks up more papers and books from the earlier acrobatics and puts them back on the desk.

“Funny I didn’t realize it till just now but Oblivious called me “Matt-Man” and then you did the same?”

Matt-Man continues to look at Jives whom notices it. With a sigh he faces Matt-man.

“No sir I do not work for nor ever have had contact with this person; what was his name? Oblivious.”

“Are you sure? It seems just a bit of a coincidence that you came up with the same name for me as him just a day apart. Not to mention this whole weird vibe I am getting from you.”

“Sir I am positive. If I were working for this Oblivious person it would mean he knew that you would become a super hero which would imply that he has the power to see the future. If he could do that then why would he not know you when he ran into you and wouldn’t have had to ask for your name.”

“Well by that logic it is possible that he sent you from the future where he does know who I am to stop me from becoming a super hero and beating him in said future.”

“But sir I am not trying to stop you at all. Where is the logic in that?”

“Ah but you are not here to stop me but guide me because if you stopped me he wouldn’t need send you back and thus he wouldn’t. That would mean that you wouldn’t stop me and he would have to send you back to stop me…did you mention lunch?”

“Yes I did sir. It is probably cold by now but I can heat it up. Would you like it up here or are you coming down?”

“I think I will come down and please get me some aspirin cause I have a real bad head ache.”

“I am sure you do sir. They will be waiting for you down stairs.”


Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Begining!!!

Soundtrack : "Everyday Superhero" by Smash Mouth

The sun is shining down on the Matt-Mansion with the bright light of spring. The trees are moving in the breeze on which several birds are taking wing. Numerous small animals are busily going about the daily business of gathering food.

Steadily the picture moves in on the second floor window in which we can see a room filled with books and a large desk. Sitting at the desk, engrossed with a menagerie of books and papers is man in his thirties. While he sits apparently consumed by some unknown enigma the door opens and a tall gentleman enters in the armor of a butler.

“Sir lunch is ready. Would you like me to bring it up or are you coming down?”

His voice is soft and deep with a definite New England accent. Standing at the door he waits for an answer. The man seems to not notice him at all as he picks up one of the scattered books and flips through it with intent. Stopping at a page he reads for a minute then slaps the book closed and flops it down on the table with exasperation. As if in response to his emotions several of the pages use this force to fling themselves off the table. The butler moves over and begins to retrieve them noticing what they are he looks perplexed.

“Sir you are preparing for the up coming interview for your new job?”

“What? Oh yeah the interview, I figure I will just wing it. You know, regale some of my past experience with my usual flare. No this is far more important. This is going to be key to my success.”

“Oh? What might I ask is this all important detail that has you so perplexed?”

“What my costume is.”

Jives places the errant pages back on the table and looks at his boss with a questioning look.

“Costume sir? I agree that what a man wears to his interview is very important, but I have never heard it called “a costume”. Or was there an invitation to a party I was not made aware of? If you don’t tell me things like this I cannot plan your daily itinerary properly.”

“What are you talking about? Here I am pondering my Super Hero identity and you are babbling on about parties. Wait, why would I need a costume for a party?

“Well sir there are still masquerade parties in the world.”

“Where would those be held? Who even uses that word anymore? I will have to keep an eye on you cause there is something odd here.”

“Sir am I to understand that you are intending to become a spandex clad knight of justice?”

“There you go again with your crazy words and ideas. No not spandex, that went out with the 80’s, and none to soon either. Could you see me in spandex?”

“Mm, yes sir and far to much of you to be certain. For the civilized world let me thank you for that consideration.”

“You are welco… Hey! What are you saying? I know I am not a body builder but it isn’t that bad. Anyway to answer your important question, yes I am donning a costume to fight evil.”

“Not to burden you with insignificant details but just a couple points to point out. One you don’t have any powers which usually are needed by a super hero, Second you don’t have a real job so how can you afford to be a super hero because last I looked it didn’t pay very well. “

“Oh ye of little faith. I will have a job soon; the Post Office is just a matter of time. As far as powers are concerned I do have one.”

Jives looks up in bewilderment and surprise.

“Sir has a power? That is amazing. That means that I get to buttle for a real live super hero. To be up there with the likes of Alfred. Sir please don’t keep this secret any longer, reveal your power.”

Jives steps back expecting anything from a blast of some energy to his boss transforming into some great beast. As he looks on in anticipation his boss looks pensive. Then with a devilish look he leaps onto the desk, scattering books and papers everywhere and strikes an epic pose.

“I have the power of being Matt! Or as I have come to call it Matterocity! Which is why I am having so much trouble picking a name”

Jives lowers his eyes and shakes his head. Matt changes his pose but shows no sign of coming down.

“Plucked from the heights of fame and plunged to the depths of mediocrity.”

Matt looks down in disgust losing his pose.

“NO! It is called Matt-erocity. It is my power and I will use it defeat evil.”

“Sir with that so-called power why not just call yourself Matt-Man. Your costume would just be what you wear everyday.”

With that Matt’s eyes widen and he leaps from the desk landing in front of Jives. Grabbing Jives by the shoulders he smiles.

“Jives you are a genius! That is perfect! I am Matt-Man! I could kiss you if you weren’t a guy.”

“Oh thank God for small favors. Sir I was being sarcastic, what the devil has gotten in to you? What brought this flight of fancy upon you?”

Matt-Man steps back and looks hard at Jives. He studies him for a moment and then points at him accusingly.

“There is defiantly something different about you. Don’t worry I will figure it out.”

Jives closes his eyes and sighs, shoulders slumping in resignation.

“Sir I am simply a butler nothing more. Now please tell me what is behind this sudden carrier choice.”

Matt-Man looks closely at Jives for a moment then shrugs and turns back to the desk making his way to his chair as he begins.

“Well it seems like it was yesterday. I was just sitting in the park waiting for the train to come…”

Fade to black with the words.