Tuesday, July 22, 2008


The scene opens in one of the many rooms of the Matt-mansion. Standing in front of a mirror is Matt-Man wearing only a pair of boxer briefs. In one hand he has a tape measure and a notebook, in the other a pen that he is scribbling something down with. As Matt-Man is writing he fails to notice as Jives walks by and looks in.

“Um sir I am not one to try and understand the working of your mind but I have to wonder what you are up to.”

Matt-Man jumps at the sudden awakening to Jives presence. In what he hopes is a dramatic and stylish move he leaps around and flings the Pen he is holding as a weapon. Unfortunately it is awkward and off balance and as a result his aim is far off as the pen flies past Jives and smacks into the wall, falling to the floor. Jives bends over and picks it up.

“Jeez man you should be more careful. I could have hurt you badly. I mean really where did you learn your job? You should never sneak up on a superhero like that.”

Jives enters the room and hands the pen back to the barely clad Matt-Man.

“I am sorry sir. I must have been distracted by your Titan-esk physique. I know that you have been having some trouble with your costume and are anxious for people to see you but don’t you think this is a little much of you to be showing them?”

“Oh well I can underst…Wait aren’t the Titans from Greek mythology? Wow thanks Jives I know I was getting into shape but never thought of myself as one of those statues by that famous guy. There are times I have to wonder about you but all in all you are all right.”

Matt-Man takes the pen and turns around looking into the mirror. He does some flexing. Although carrying some extra weight it is apparent that he does have some muscles that show through.

“Well sir one lives to be of service"then under his breath…"albeit one hopes he is working for someone with an equal intellect.”

“Anyway Jives I am working on the details of my new costume. The first thing I needed was measurements so I can make sure I fit in the armor.”

Jives looks up with wide open eyes.

“Armor, sir? I wasn’t aware that we had any armor in the mansion. Have you been hiding it somewhere?”

“No we don’t have any armor in the mansion. That is why I have to find an independently wealthy genius to make it for me. See that is the plan. I get my measurements and decide on what I want the suit to do then I find the guy and have him make it for me then I fight evil. Genius plan isn’t it?”

Jives puts his head in his hand while Matt-Man strikes a few poses in the mirror.

“Sir if I may ask why would said genius millionaire make this suit of armor for you and not just make it for himself?”

“Oh that is simple, self preservation. As I see it all these rich people want to do things to help the world but tend to shy away from getting in any danger. I can offer this person a chance to bring really dangerous evil down without endangering himself. Which is why I need him to be a genius since he will defiantly see the logical benefit to this arrangement.”

“An intriguing argument but still why would he spend all this money and time. Wouldn’t you be keeping his identity as secret as your own? So no one would know it was he helping do evil in? If you didn’t keep it a secret then wouldn’t your enemies just target him directly? That would certainly put him in danger which according to your oh so logical observation would prevent him from doing it in the first place.”

Matt-Man stops posing and stared blankly into the mirror. Jives shifts as the moments pass and Matt-Man continues to just stand there. Then in a sudden burst of motion he throws up his hands.

“Then I just won’t tell him that little detail. Then when he becomes the target I can save his life and he will owe me, which cements our relationship. I will be in like Flynn forever.”

“Um sir wouldn’t that be dishonest? Not to muddy up your already opaque waters but that doesn’t seem like a rather heroic thing to do.”

Again Matt-Man slumps in front of the mirror and stares blankly into it for a period of time. Not noticing his bosses change in demeanor Jives continues his sarcastic diatribe (hey it is a word that Jives would use)

“Besides sir according to your own words you have Matt-erocity on your side. Why would you need a suit of armor while you have that? You wouldn’t want to come off as not believing in your powers now would you?”

Matt-Man jumps to life at this and spins around. Grabbing Jives he give his a quick hug that seems awkward for both then it is over. All the while he is smiling.

“Thanks Jives you are so right.”

Jives looks a little surprised but rights himself and pats Matt-Man on the back

“Well sir it does one good to be of help.”

“Yeah that is the way I feel about it. I was really being stupid.”

They begin walking out of the room and down the hall.

“Now sir, don’t be so hard on yourself.”

“No really that would have been a huge mistake.”

Still walking down the hall they end up stopping on the balcony over the foyer (that is that room by the front door for all those laymen out there)

“You mustn’t let this get to you so badly sir. You have so much going for you.”

“Oh you got that right. Here I was poised on the brink of failing my first trial as a Superhero and you saved me from disaster.”

“Well sir I just have…what?”

Jives stands there for a second as Matt-Man begins down the stairs.

“Yup with out your guidance I would have abandoned my powers and in the end my powers would have abandoned me. So no more of this suit of armor stuff, now to get some new duds with which to fight evil in.”

Jives is still standing on the landing with a blank look on his face while Matt-Man seems bent on getting out a coat and heading for the door.

“I should have known better then to try and use sarcasm to make a point. Ah well it seems that I had better brush up my care and washing of tights. Sir you might want to put on some pants before you go off to gird up your loins against evil.” Then under his breath “Although if you didn’t you would be preventing some heinous crimes of fashion.”


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